Rackheath Primary School

Inspiring Learning, Valuing All

Our School Day

Our school day starts at 8.45am. Assemblies take place daily from 10.00am – 10.15am* after assembly the children have break until 10.30am.

Morning school continues for children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 until 12.00pm, these children then have lunch between 12.00pm and 1.00pm. For children in Years 3 to 6 morning school finishes at 12.15pm and these children have a 45 minute lunch break.

All children start afternoon school at 1.00pm and finish at 3.15pm.

On Fridays, we have our Star, Angel and Diamond assembly where where we celebrate the amazing work of three children from each class. This is at 2.30pm – 2.55pm.

* Except for class assemblies which take place on a Thursday between 2.40pm and 3.00pm.